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Can I sell my MYO?

A MYO you received for free (via event, raffle, etc) has a bv of 0. We therefore ask you do not sell them

A MYO you purchased for stardust has a $0/pts bv UNTIL it has been designed. You can resell it to another user for stardust or trade it, but you cannot ever sell an unused MYO for $/pts- you would be selling something that has 0 real monetary value and profiting unfairly. As a species, we do not sell MYOs for real currency for this reason and we encourage our members to do the same. Once designed you are welcome to sell your MYO character. 

Last Updated: 11 months ago

What is a Magii, how do I obtain one?

Magii is a closed species first launched on deviantart in 2015. By closed species, we refer to the exclusive community. You cannot make your own 'Magii', you can however make a canine with magical powers and sparkles- we don't copyright traits! Your creation will however not be considered a Magii and you will be unable to participate in this species events and community with them.

You can obtain a Magii from adopts, raffles, and events by staff, or making your own with a MYO ticket.

Last Updated: 7 months ago
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