A Magiiween Mystery Hunt!

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by meatpills

Hello Magii Locals!

Halloween is fast approaching, and so is the spooky atmosphere in Arcadia! 

(This is a small-scale event, we are currently experinecing heavy delays and technical difficulties that will be discussed at the bottom of this news post)

That's right magii locals, we believe this calls for a little mystery hunt!

MAGIIween mystery hunt

- There are clues scattered throughout the site, one clue leads to another
- You need to solve the clues and find the item you think the clues are pointing towards
- If you are correct, there should be more clues leading to the next one
- Each clues lead to ONE thing, unless stated otherwise
- There are 5 clues in total including the one below, use them to find a TICKET

- The TICKET will grant you stardust rewards for completing the hunt, and enter you into a raffle for the magii below
- Event ends on the 3rd of November
- Please use this Arcadian language sheet for one of the clues

A mysterious figure stands tall alone in the dark, who could this be?


"who COuld this be? is this magii Really Real?"

"what do you think they're UP To?"

"I haven't gOt a clue!"

"i hope it's Nothing seRious."

"i hopE so too, it wouLd be bad If they were to Cause something... "


New redesign items

The "Celestial Veil" allows you to add angelic traits to an existing character, this includes features such as  feathered wings, halo, etc.

The "Demonic Flare" allows you to add skeletal or translucent traits to an existing character, this includes features such as exposed skeletal structures, translucent limbs, etc.

These redesign items are not event exclusive and will be added to the shop soon.


REGarding the delays

It may have come to your attention that we have not rolled the gacha banner winners, nor have we updated it to a new one yet. The reason for this is simply because we are unable to change certain things on the site, such as with the gacha banner page. We are terribly sorry for such delays, though much of it is outside of us staff's abilities and permissions on the site, we are still trying to do as much as we are capable of, such as this here event. We are unfortunately also missing a prominent say in holding things such as big events or to proceed things such as the Familiars in full bloom's gacha, but we will try our best to get small events out and update you guys regularly.

On the behalf of the staff team here at Magiis, thank you so much for your patience, and we hope that this little update and the event would be able to suffice for the Halloween season. Please also look forward to this month's Soul Binding event dropping this upcoming week.



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