Transfiguration Jewel
Category: Appearance
Enables a Magii/Igami to transform into another closed species and vice versa (with permission)
Transmutation Crystal
Category: Appearance
Changes the element of a Magii/Igami to the element of your choice- one time use
Augmentation Stone
Category: Appearance
Grants an existing Magii/Igami a second element to become a dual-type
Corruption Relic
Category: Appearance
Enables a Magii to transform into an Igami and vice versa (keeping both forms)
Chroma Star
Category: Redesign
Allows you to alter the colours and patterns of a character beyond subtle shifts!
Bloom Prism
Category: Redesign
Allows you to add growths to a character - see upgraded redesign items
Demonic Flare
Category: Redesign
Allows you to add exposed bones and transluscent body parts to a character
Category: Mushrooms
Edible, is used in sedatives and medicine but you shouldn't eat too much since it can make you delirious.
When fed to a Familiar, this item changes their form.
Category: Mushrooms
Star shaped mushrooms that hides neurotoxins, making you dizzy and unable to process the sense of touch, stopping your organs before the toxin reaches your brain.
When fed to a Familiar, this item changes their form.
Category: Mushrooms
This mushroom sprouts up wherever a coral dies, its spores are hydrophobic and latch onto dead corals to grow. Soft tissues of a mushroom will slowly grow outside of the coral branch and envelope it in mushroom fibre entirely. It develops spore sacks shaped like claws on the cap to deposit into the water flow when they are ready. The sacks will burst open when water has sogged it enough, and the spores will continue the cycle. Live corals can feed on floating membranes of this mushroom, making them perfectly symbiotic with the ocean.
When fed to a Familiar, this item changes their form.