
<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">HP Potion</a>

HP Potion

Category: Potions

Currently unusable..

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Attack Potion</a>

Attack Potion

Category: Potions

Currently unusable..

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Defence Potion</a>

Defence Potion

Category: Potions

Currently unusable..

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Speed Potion</a>

Speed Potion

Category: Potions

Currently unusable..

<a href=" Core" class="display-item">Fusion Core</a>

Fusion Core

Category: Soul Binding

Enables two  of your own Magii to be bred together. Two offspring will be designed, with the use of this item allowing you to keep one. 

<a href=" Fusion Core" class="display-item">Duo Fusion Core</a>

Duo Fusion Core

Category: Soul Binding

Enables the breeding of your Magii with another user's, keeping one offspring each. Four offspring will be designed in total



<a href=" Map" class="display-item">Garden Map</a>

Garden Map

Category: Materials


Unlocks Area: Garden

A map to unlock the Cultivation area 'Garden' ! 

<a href=" Lamps" class="display-item">Angler Lamps</a>

Angler Lamps

Category: Flora

Mainly cultivated in the Water Realm, their semi translucent berries emmit an alluring glow similar to an angler fish. Their fruits are non-toxic but they don't taste favorable when eaten raw, usually used in pickles.

<a href=" Dews" class="display-item">Gem Dews</a>

Gem Dews

Category: Flora

Cultivated in some areas of the Ice Realm. They're toxic but they look good as decorations! The fruit can be used as a natural paint as well.

<a href="" class="display-item">Pekuli</a>


Category: Flora

Only the orb part is edible for Magii, the body part has large amounts of thick plant sap that can stick to your throat and suffocate you. There are other creatures in Arcadia that can digest the sap just fine.

<a href="" class="display-item">Sunsear</a>


Category: Flora

The leaves can only be eaten when cooked, not raw. If eaten raw, you'll get a burning sensation in your mouth! The flower petals stay around the bottom part of the fruit, drying out in the sun.

<a href="" class="display-item">Deeplooms</a>


Category: Flora

This plant uses its bioluminescence to attract less herbivores.  It does not have fruit, but instead buds that pop 

<a href="" class="display-item">Honnymphaea</a>


Category: Flora

 Honaizu’s species of nymphaea (water lilies), abundantly located on medium-large water sources all over Honaizu! They float and drift along as they do not have roots. Its seeds, flowers, and leaves are edible. Its seeds are a bit hard but have a rich nutty flavour whereas the flowers and leaves are bland. They’re platforms favored by fogus due to their abundance, you may even see some using them as accessories!  The orb-like object inside the flowers is inedible, hard, and lustrous. usually treated as jewelry.  Nearing its end, it turns dark and crumbles back into more seeds

<a href=" Honnymphaea" class="display-item">Northern Honnymphaea</a>

Northern Honnymphaea

Category: Flora

 Species of Honnymphaea affected by the Light Realm, located on and above medium water sources all over the north of Honaizu! They float and drift on and above water as they also do not have roots.  Its seeds, flowers, and leaves are edible.  Its seeds are soft and taste sweet, the flowers and leaves are bland… the texture is also weird as they are feathery. They’re usually somewhat higher up and so the Fogus may not be able to reach them, they do slowly descend upon Fogus reaching them due to the added weight, these critters like to play with them. The orb-like object inside the flowers is inedible, hard, and lustrous, usually treated as jewelry (they’re darker in color than their normal counterpart). Nearing its end, it turns light and crumbles back into more seeds

<a href="" class="display-item">Teardews</a>


Category: Flora

Highly poisonous, they grow within the ground and sprout out when they're completely rotten and ready to spread their seeds. Gas is the result of its decomposition, suffocating anyone nearby and making them tear up in the process, hence the name.

<a href=" Pod" class="display-item">Sun Pod</a>

Sun Pod

Category: Flora

The fruit is hardened due to being dried in the sun, conventionally roasting the seeds on the inside as well. The seeds can be eaen while the dried up fruit can be filled with rocks to be made into an instrument.

<a href=" Pod" class="display-item">Moon Pod</a>

Moon Pod

Category: Flora

Unlike its cousin, since it's not dried out in the sun it's relatively soft. The fruit and seeds are edible, with the seeds shaped like deformed stars. In some regions of Arcadia, getting a seed perfectly shaped as a 5 pointed star resembles good luck.

<a href="" class="display-item">Torchcone</a>


Category: Flora

The skin of the fruit may look like a petal, but it's just a disguise. The flesh is white and taste of tropical fruit.

<a href=" Sprouts" class="display-item">Reef Sprouts</a>

Reef Sprouts

Category: Flora

A leafless plant that looks like a coral, all parts of it are poisonous and they're mainly grown as decorations..

<a href="" class="display-item">Boulderbluff</a>


Category: Flora

Mainly cultivated in the Fire Realm, they use their rock like appearance to fool herbivores well. They're edible but taste bad when prepared wrong.

69 results found.